Become a member and make a difference!!

Margaret Mead.

Membership and contribution are open for:

  • Any Group in the diaspora who has been involved in helping out our Nation Ethiopia;
  • Individuals of any profession and nationality;
  • Any Medical or Non-medical Institution.

All financial contribution will have a Tax Credit from our mother non-for-profit organization: People to People (P2P).

You can join us in one or all of the following options:

  • Financial donation;
  • Medical Equipment provision;
  • Medical Volunteerism.

For Individuals who wish to join our cause, please fill out the following Information:

Middle Initial
Phone Number
Are You Of Ethiopian Origin?
Financial donation
Volunteer on a medical mission. Assume you would need to incur your own travel costs.
For how long would you consider volunteering in Ethiopia?


Your Monetary donation will go to our account under People to People to purchase only medical equipment and needs to Health Care Facility damage by the conflict.