Medical Mission # 1
Team Members
Wubtaye Tekle MD (Orthopedic Surgeon, Germany)
Legesse Tebeje MD (Internist, USA)
Brook Gebeyehu MD (Anesthesiologist, USA)
Length of Mission
October 15 to October 23, 2021
Gondar University Hospital
Activities & Accomplishments
Deliver critically needed orthopedic and anesthesia drugs and equipment
Purchase additional equipment in accordance with local needs from a local vendor
Perform situational analysis to align future donations
Assist with daily clinical and surgical activities in the ER, OR and ICU.
Gondar University Hospital
The mission had focused on two areas of the Hospital:
The Operating Rooms:
There are a total of 10 operating rooms, however 3 are non functional
The ICU:
Out of the 9 available ICU beds; only 5 to 6 are usable, and there are only 2 functional ventilators.
The Manpower:
Orthopedic surgeons; 5:
The number of orthopedic surgeons is low compared to the burden of orthopedic casualties; however senior orthopedics residents fill the gaps.
General surgeons: 16
Anesthesiologist: 1
Nurse anesthetists: 34
The overall findings of the mission were:
– Skilled manpower and technical know-how satisfactory at the moment
– Massive shortage of surgical and anesthesia equipment including orthopedic supplies and expendables.
– Extremely unhealthy and congested ER lacking basic drugs and supplies which seems generic in most health facilities in Ethiopia. Given the global COVID pandemic, we’ve noticed care to the wounded being given under very difficult and unsafe circumstances
Dr. Brook Gebeyehu MD (Anesthesiologist, USA) and Wubtaye Tekle MD (Orthopedic Surgeon, Germany) with Gondar University Hospital Staff Anesthesiologist
Dr. Wubtaye Tekle MD (Orthopedic Surgeon, Germany) donating orthopedics equipment to staff orthopedics surgeon
Dr. Legesse Tebeje MD (Internist, USA) and Dr. Brook Gebeyehu MD (Anesthesiologist, USA) with Gondar University medical staffs
Few of the donated items
Dr. Wubtaye Tekle MD (Orthopedic Surgeon, Germany) performing operative fixation of femur fracture with staff orthopedic surgeon